Thursday, April 21, 2011

Don't Let Hate Win!

There are those in this country that believe that it is their right to protest the "gay" activity here by bringing their message of hate to what they call a "pep rally" which is really the funeral of another brave citizen that has given his/her life to ensure the right of these morons to spread their abhorrent beliefs.

Tomorrow I will attend a counter to the attempt to spread their hate at the funeral of a Council Bluffs soldier because we need to eliminate the hate, even though I know that their head has overwhelmed any compassion they ever had in their hearts.

This is their message of hate!

This is the call to counter these so called christians.!/event.php?eid=114788391937092

Join the cause to eliminate the hatred by changing your Facebook picture to the attached photo on April 22nd.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Now That Was Something!

Every once in a while something from the present triggers a memory from the past. We decided to have Frito boats for dinner tonight, you know, chili, Frito's, onions & cheese....all stuff that is good for you. Well at least it tastes great.

Anyway, this got me thinking about a place that was very dear to many of us youngsters growing up in a small town. We had a pizza joint but no McD's. We had the best ice cream any of you could every want. We had an A&W (that's where we had our first Frito boats) and we had Burt's.

Burt had a 47 cent special every day; a hamburger, fries and a coke (maybe Pepsi but you get the picture). There wasn't a week that went by that I did not eat there for lunch at least once. Can you imagine getting a burger, fries and a coke for 47 cents today....and it wasn't fast food, they cooked the burger to order. He also had chili burritos, deep fried, smothered with chili.... also so very healthy.

But the best memory I have of Burt's Dari-Delight is sitting in my 68 metallic blue Road Runner with my best friend on November 10th 1968, the day I asked her to be my wife.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Kind of Expected

On January 20th I sent Congressman Steve King, Iowa a message regarding his comments to Lawrence O'Donnell. My message was:

After watching your interview on "The Last Word" I am appalled that you would be willing to sacrifice an additional 21 citizens of Iowa or any other state by not supporting a restriction that would limit the number of rounds in a magazine to ten.

Your statement that someone would just solder two magazines together was moronic. If the shooter in Tucson had soldered two together, it is likely that he would have fired 21 fewer rounds and maybe a 9 year old girl or a Federal Judge would still be alive today.

I urge you to support legislation designed to eliminate the sale of high capacity magazines.

Today I received a response from Congressman King in which he rehashed who was shot and what a "...senseless act of violence..." it was, adding that he was "...deeply shocked and saddened..."

Evidently he was neither "shocked" or "saddened" enough to see beyond the spewing of the NRA and the gun lobby, nor did he address my main point which did not infer any restrictions on the ownership of guns (although I do not believe anyone needs to possess an automatic weapon for legitimate purposes), only on the high capacity magazines which are not mentioned as a right in the First or Second Amendment to our Constitution.

The main portion of his response, below, is simply a regurgitation of the right wing agenda:

"This tragedy is the work of a deranged individual, it is not the result of political rhetoric from either side of the aisle, and it could not have been prevented by tighter gun laws. Some in the media, and even some in Congress, have sought to use this tragedy for political gain and as a rallying cry for efforts to impose new restrictions on our First and Second Amendment rights. I oppose these efforts, and I will do all that I can to ensure our liberties and constitutional freedoms are not compromised."


Steve King
Member of Congress

He apparently places the liberty and constitutional freedom of some well above others.