Sunday, August 31, 2008

You Should Vote for the McCain/Palin Ticket if:

This is for all those undecided voters out there like Aaron (see his comment posted there). I'm not picking on him, just wanted to provide a little food for thought.

You should vote for McCain if you believe that we can survive another 4 years of the Bush economic policy.

You should vote for McCain if you believe that Roe vs. Wade should be overturned and that any possibility of ending a pregnancy should be stopped, even in the case of rape, incest or the threat to the life of the mother.

You should vote for McCain if you think that a war on two fronts is not enough and will be willing to support an attack against Iran while at the same time failing to complete our mission in Iraq or to find those responsible for all of this insanity in the first place (Osama Bin Laden and his band).

You should vote for McCain if you think that big oil's profits have not been excessive and that they deserve further tax breaks.

You should vote for McCain if you want to see jobs currently held by American workers continue to migrate to countries outside of the United States.

You should vote for McCain if you think that offshore drilling will really reduce the price of a gallon of gas (or if you believe that opening Anwar to production is going to help reduce or dependence on fossil fuels).

You should vote for McCain if you believe that McCain chose Palin as his running mate because she is really the right person for the job and not a token female in an attempt to lure former Clinton supporters (which any intelligent woman should consider an insult).

You should vote for McCain if you believe the right to bear arms means that every individual in America has the right to own as many assault weapons as they desire.

And finally, you should vote for McCain if you want to follow him to the gates of hell because that is where he will take us.