Monday, February 11, 2008

I Don't Like Mondays

Every weekday at noon, some dweeb from the middle of USA nowhere has an opportunity to request the first song on the "Classic Cafe", the noontime show on the local classic rock station.

Today, NK and I were unfortunate enough to be a part of a sorry history. The guy said you probably won't play it or don't have it (since no other station will) but I would like to hear I Don't Like Mondays by the Boomtown Rats (Whothefuckisthat?).

I knew immediately that this would probably not be my type of song.

I wish he had been correct, not only do I dislike Mondays, the song was worse; I'm glad the rats have returned to boomtown.


sybil law said...

It's the Boomtown Rats! Bob Geldof! Not rining a bell? He was the guy in "The Wall" - the Pink Floyd movie.
I liked that song in high school.
That's just funny.

CamiKaos said...

You sir are retired now so your hatred of Mondays seems shallow... However I don't know that song so I can't speak for your dislike of it.

holly said...

bit o' bob - but sybil already pointed that out. she just gained a point in my respect book. just for the knowing. and those points don't come easy. probably.
the boomtown rats are very well known over here, of course. gets played a *lot* on mondays.

i hate the damn thing. thank you for hating it with me.

DaddyKaos said...

Yes, I know of Geldof (or was that Gandor?. Frankly I thought I would stir up a little more dust than I did :(

But I still can't take the song.

mielikki said...

yep. With you on that one. The Bangles Manic Monday is a typical 80's syrupy thing, which I also can't really stand...

Bubblewench said...

That is one of the most classic songs of all time. Sad you do not like it.