Saturday, June 28, 2008

Every Child Left Behind

The No Child Left Behind Act became the law of the land on January 8, 2002 amid high hopes on the part of some people (all republican "W supporters) that it would stop the downward educational spiral in the United States.

Not only has it failed to discontinue that trend, in some eyes it has increased the poor performance of our nations school system.

"Half of Americans say U.S. schools are doing only a fair to poor job preparing kids for college and the work force. Even more feel that way about the skills kids need to survive as adults, an Associated Press poll released Friday finds."

The only way to right the ship is to focus on the fundamentals and eliminate the standard tests. If everyone was the same, standardized testing would work but since everyone learns at a different rate and since what is important to one may not be to the next person, the standardized testing forced by NCLFB only forces our educators to teach to the test to ensure continued Federal funding.

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