Friday, November 7, 2008

When Autumn Leaves

Winter has finally arrived in the midlands. No, we did not get any snow (that four letter word we love to hate) like they did north of us but the temperature has dropped to a bone chilling level, especially with the wind (gusts up to 40 mph).

While we are not quite ready for it to be here, we will have to deal with it. I have not yet cleaned up the yard of leaves since they have not all left their home in the trees. I refuse to do the cleanup more than once and I don't like to do even then.

We have also not yet stored the last vestiges of our summer patio furniture, it may get to its winter home under the deck this weekend (note to anyone that buys our home this winter, it will still be there when we leave). The last of our summer greenery was removed from their beds yesterday and I did prime and start the snowblower today.

Speaking of snowblowers, a friend of mine discussing the subject of moving away from here once said he did not really know where they would move when they did but they would just start driving with the snowblower on top of his vehicle until someone asked him what that thing was and he would stay there. Not really a bad idea if you really hate the snow.

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