Saturday, August 4, 2007

Not Food

Well, I was going to talk about food today but it just didn't sound interesting after I wrote it. I was only talking about how we prepare a menu, shop to it and try to stick to it with moderate success most of the time. But this morning NK opened a bottle of arthritis meds only to find they had changed the lid from screw off to one with the flip off type that anyone with any common sense would know that if you have arthritis in your hands/fingers, it is hard to get any leverage to push up on the flip off cap.

This could get me going on an entire rant of the callousness of drug companies but I don't want to elevate my blood pressure thinking that much about it. Then my doctor would probably want to change my medication again with an even newer hypertension drug that would cost even more because my health (wealth) plan (that's United Healthcare's wealth) does not cover any drug costs (or any other for that matter) until we reach our deductible (it's over $5K each year). And for that privilege, we get to pay $345.00 a month to UHC, what a deal. I won't vent too much though, NK and I are both fairly healthy (knock, knock) and just to have coverage is better than none at all.


mielikki said...

Well, I really can't comment here without a rant, either, about all the people I meet at work that have this same kind of problem, and how expensive Dad's meds were during his bout with Cancer.
Someday, those high muckety-mucks that work in the med industries are going to be old, and need meds. . .
and I hope no one opens them for them.

sybil law said...

Yes - this is an issue that anyone with half a brain - coverage or not - should be concerned about. We have UHC, too - and while I am appreciative of it, I still can't get over the high costs. This country needs an absolute overhaul of health care - drug companies and providers. Grrrrrrrr.

Bubblewench said...

I could rant too... but all i will say is I HAD UHC and it was awesome, and July 1 they switched us to Aetna and it blows the big one...... and costs us more.